High up in Northern India is a bustling town McLeod Ganj, which is home to the world’s most famous refugee, his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Since the Cultural Revolution in Tibet in the 80’s thousands of Tibetans have put their lives in danger and courageously walked across the Himalayas to reach this now sacred place. So strong is the Tibetan culture in this town that it has fondly become known as ‘Little Lhasa’. As China continues to morph the Tibetan landscape and strip it bare of its diverse and rich way of life, tourists are now flocking to McLeod Ganj for an authentic experience of Tibetan Buddhism and all it entails.
A myriad of different spiritual pursuits are on offer which at times can seem a bit overwhelming but the number one thing that is guaranteed to draw global crowds in their thousands is the public teachings by the Dalai Lama. The immense faith is so high in this great spiritual leader that it knows no borders or language barriers. For example at the teachings you will find people listening to their personal radios to hear the translations of the teachings into their own global language. But one of the most striking things has to be the sight of people from all walks of life going into deep states of meditation simply by being in the heartfelt presence of this wonderful man who refers to himself as ‘a simple monk’.
On the mere sight of him people are reduced to tears as he blows hearts wide open. I had no idea this was a common thing until I experienced it first hand myself. Initially I was pleasantly surprised to discover he would be walking right by me to leave the teaching, however as he passed I was even more surprised to find myself quickly reduced to my knees with tears streaming down my face. My mind clambered to make sense of such a profound and unexpected experience. Out of the blue came the words “I have made it back home” and I am not even Tibetan…well in this lifetime anyway! And from that this idea of ‘Spiritual Backpackers India’ was born where we run group tours to afford people the opportunity to experience the wisdom and beauty of his teachings first hand, and learn meditation from the monks and nuns of the Dalai Lama’s lineage. We feel if ever there was a time for the wonder of this man’s love and the power of meditation to be more accessible to the world it has to be now! Is this what your heart has been crying out for? Are you ready to join us for the next teachings in October?
If so visit our website
Tashi delek
Lisa & Lama Buga