Friday, 17 February 2012

Are you a sleeptalker too?

“Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” -Mark Victor Hansen

Ever gone on a trip that was so magical words could not express it when you got back home and it was time to share?  All efforts made to recreate it just didn’t do any justice to what was seen, felt, tasted and experienced?  I have felt like that and continue to feel more and more like that as I travel on my spiritual tours to India.

It is almost easier just to sit back and let the banter of life back home carry on as normal.   Yet the danger of that is the day-to-day realities begin to fall like a layer of dust on all the new things you have learnt and really should share.  All the while preventing you and the people around you from continual growth.

As a race we are deeply sleepwalking and at times that is terrifying to witness firsthand.  We have our global disasters, which break our hearts, but I beg to question why don’t the smaller daily ones have the same effect?

I was out catching up with a friend at the weekend and it was the first time I had seen her since my most recent trip abroad.  We chatted about all the usual things and I know I held back but sometimes that is the right thing to do.  Force-feeding people doesn’t work either.  Yet in the conversation there was a moment where I should have spoken up.

I was hearing how instead of using towels to dry her hands she uses tissue paper every single time.  Her very words were “we go through them like there is no tomorrow”.  Those words felt like an arrow through my heart.

I lived in the Bolivian rainforest in South America for one year  where I witnessed trucks carrying chopped up primary forest out of the jungle.  24 hours a day 7 days a week there were trees all along the road as far as the eye could see.   Some of the trees were so big only a section of them would take up an entire truck!

I had that experience and I didn’t share it for fear of upsetting my friend.  The story in my head was if I nag her she won’t want to hang out.  Yet she is a doting and loving mother who I know thinks about all her daughter’s tomorrows.  How hard would it have been for me to link up my experiences with her daughter’s future?

My friend is one of the most loyal friends I have ever had.  In hindsight I am sure she would have listened and taken it on board on some level without getting upset.  I have dwelled on it since and have decided that instead of being a ‘sleep talker’ I will share share share!  Otherwise what is the point?

Change is needed and it is only through changing ourselves that we can begin to change the world around us.  So as you start to grow my friends from whatever it is that you do to facilitate that, don’t let it be dampened by the norm or fears of rocking those moored boats.  See, speak and act from the place of the heart.  Then perhaps together we could all wake up?

Much love


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